Monday, September 30, 2013

Let me introduce myself, I promise to be brief.  I am the author of the "Bob Beetle Book Bug" children's picture book series, a wife and mother of three beautiful children, and a cat.

I love writing children picture books, spiritual poetry and I am beginning to dabble a little in early chapter/chapter books with a horror/paranormal twist.  To top it all off I am working on my very first young adult paranormal novel ('vampires')

I started a blog previously under the title of "Indie Chatter," I realized  that It would be more difficult for my readers to 'fully' connect with me, the person Phyllis Griggs, because of my blog title. 

My  blog focused more on the Indie Author as a group, instead of Phyllis Griggs,  indie author, the person.  I don't know about everyone else, but it's important for me to connect with my readers more personally and that we can share with each other what goes on in the day and life of us as individuals as well as 'indie authors'.

Warm Welcome,


  1. Well done and well said, being an Indie author is but one facet of who you are! You are a woman of many talents!

  2. Thank you Loria! I really appreciate your feedback.
